The Masquerade Ball Saturday September 29th, 2018 7pm-10pm $25.00 per person
The dance dates back to the 15th century, beginning with the renaissance movement.The Ball was held for the upper class but the masks allowed for a bit of intrique and imagination allowing the less wealthy and even the poor to mingle in.
Join us for an evening of art-beauty and imagination as we re-visit the Victorian era in "The golden ballroom." The room that lends itself to an air of mystery and secrecy.
The Theme: Victorian era costume. Mask is required Music*Food*Walz lessons*games*silent auction*best costume contest.
Enjoy your evening with us Your contribution directly helps to preserve the century old ballroom.
Tickets must be purchased in advance you can pay online , or send your check or money order to Whipple Company Store 7485 Okey L. Patteson rd. Scarbro, WV 25917 please mark your payment for "the Ball."